Sunday, January 4, 2015

There's Nothing Trivial About IWS Radio's Success!

Yet another EPIC episode of IWS Radio! It was non-stop fun and games this week …

Lots of pork on New Year’s Day!

Sad news about Giada de Laurentiis’ divorce.

The couple who left the $10 tip finally returned! The $10 was for “putting the beer in the backseat.”

Jayman enjoyed a nice cold and refreshing Pepsi. Matt committed to drinking ONE seven-ounce can of Pepsi if they agreed to sponsor IWS Radio.

The straw that stirs the drink.

Sarcastic Sam takes on Fox & Friends

Guy Ahnurdyck has a trivia question for us.

America loves the Oregon Ducks and Florida States finds don’t understand why.

Ambulance service comes to Cincinnati.  

Matt and Jay shared their “Bad Songs of the Week” and OMG they were soooooo bad. (Bad bad, not good bad.”

Elephants have FOUR knees, but still can’t jump.  

Kim Frageeley has a half bottle of tequila, a tin of Vienna Sausages and is open for bidness.

“The Duggar Effect.”

Canada is a Big Village.

Paige called in and hung out with Matt and Jay for a bit. She gets a mug!

Geography questions are great for trivia games.

Making plans for the whole IWS gang to convene at Hodgepodge Lodge next week.

Buddy Holly’s big hit “That’ll be the Day” came from the line “that’ll be the day” spoken by John Wayne in the movie “The Searchers.”

Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd so much more fascinating and hilarious trivia was shared! Check it out! Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!


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