Friday, January 2, 2015

Anna Kooiman and Other Trivial Things

It's finally 2015 and Matt and Jay are all fired up about it! Or something. Well, it IS going to be The Year of the Jayman! Hopefully. No, not hopefully, IWS Radio is going to make it happen! That's right bitches! New year new attitude.

Matt and Jay review New Year's and talk about all the parties that they didn't attend and analyze the NCAA Football Playoffs as well as the NFL! Then they'll discuss some of the annoying things people did or said in 2014 that needs to stay in 2014. Hell, even some people who became "famous" in 2014 who need to stay there.

Plus Sunday is National Trivia Day! So, Matt and Jay will come armed with lots of fascinating, funny and probably stupid trivia questions to ask each other and their listeners. Call in with the answer to one of the questions OR call in with your own great trivia question that stumps Matt and Jay and win a sexy coffee mug! Woooooooooo!

The IWS Players will be along too. You know you don't want to miss that! There might even be a new correspondent! Sarcastic Sam has a few observations about Fox News’ Anna Kooiman’s intelligence level. Plus, Jamie Mapleleaf will be here, and there will be another round of "Bad Songs of the Week." All this and so much more so be there or be square for “TheTrivial Pursuit of Happiness” on IWS Radio Sunday at 12 Noon ET!! 

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