Saturday, November 8, 2014

IWS Person of the Week: Bum Wine Bob

Sometimes, in the course of human events, life can get a person down and leave him or her feeling blue, despondent, or…in need of a good head-thumpin’, liver cauterizing drunk, so…

Who better to help out those people in need than the man who will be our guest LIVE on the IWS Radio Show today, and our IWS Person of the Week, Bum Wine Bob…

The Bobcat (yes, he goes by many names) has devoted his life and his website to praising the medicinal and healing powers of much maligned wines and beers.  He knows that a Rose by any other name would smell or in this case, taste as sweet…

He is unafraid to take on the goodness that is Thunderbird knowing that in spite of its powerful side effects, he will the next morning, rise like a Phoenix from the ashes…

Bum Wine Bob has his softer side as well, as he occasionally will drink beverages from the chaff of the wheat rather than from the winded and withered grape of the vine…

For all the Bobcat does, we honor him as our IWS Person of the Week.  Here’s to you Bob…Long may your brown bag wave!!

For more of Bum Wine Bob, check out the IWS Radio Show LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio.  Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio Players will be talking bum wine and fast food, because as we all know, nothing goes hand in hand better than a good drunk and greasy fast food.

Jay and Matt will be lighting up the tubes of the internet with laughter as they celebrate cheap eats, bad booze, and along with special guest Bum Wine Bob, take your phone calls at 661.244.9852.

So join us LIVE TODAY from Noon-2 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio as IWS presents the Eat, Drink and Be Cheap Fast and Easy episode.

To Listen Live click HERE.

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